Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's been FOREVER!

It's been quite some time since I added any new photos or info. I'll try to catch up.

The last couple of weekends, the kids spent time with their Grandparents; Nana & Papa Bob and Grammy and Gramps Mike. They hung out at Nana's and shopped & swam and went camping at the lake with their cousins (Tanner & Maddie) with Grammy. They had so much fun spending quality time with their grandparents. Meanwhile, we ate dinner out (including a Wayne Newton spotting at Riscky's Barbecue in FW), had an exciting time at Fort Worth Zoo Beastro with the best friends in the world (and drank entirely too much vodka), FINALLY got our bed from Rooms to Go (their delivery is AWFUL!), and skipped over all sorts of chores which we are now trying to catch up on, (Hey, 2 kid free weekends IN A ROW, what'd you expect?) We were so happy to have the kids home! (seriously, we're not 21 anymore).

Here are some photos from hanging at the pool at Nana & Papa Bob's:

Here are some photos from camping at the lake with Grammy & Gramps (ps: Jack was the only one to catch a fish!!! He just got spooked when it wiggled):

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Its about time girl! Those are awesome pictures!!!!!
